
Posts by TheCompuLab

How Much Does Downtime Really Cost Your Business?

Downtime Costs SMBs a Lot More Than They Actually Realize….

Many SMB owners think IT downtime only costs them a few productive hours, but there’s a lot more at stake when your systems go down. Customer satisfaction and loss of brand integrity are just two of the key losses apart from the more evident costs such as lost productivity and a temporary dip in sales.

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Has Your Website Been Optimized for Mobile Users?

How 'Mobile' Is Your SMB?

Did you know that this year there will be more mobile web surfers than stationary ones? That means more prospects are accessing your business website more through their smart phones, tablets or other mobile devices than with a laptop or PC. If you thought you had time to make the switch this year, you may want to reconsider in light of new research. A recent study revealed that around 40% of prospects move on to a competitor if they have a poor mobile experience. How prepared is your business for this change? Well, if you are just starting out, the following checklist will help…

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Five Things You Should Do Right Now to Preserve Your Network and Systems

5 Things SMBs Can Do Right Now to Preserve Their Network and Systems

1. Backup Files Every Day – As catastrophic as data loss is, the number of businesses that still are not backing up their network is unbelievable. According to the Symantec Small to Medium Size Businesses (SMB) data, only 23% of SMBs are backing up their data on a daily basis and fewer than 50% are backing up data weekly. Any number of events can result in data loss, so the importance of frequently backing up your network cannot be overstated.

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Data Loss Can Cause You to Shut Down

thumb-6Small and medium sized businesses today are relying more than ever on IT systems to efficiently run their business, support customers and optimize productivity. These systems house sensitive digital data ranging from employee and customer information, to internal emails, documents and financial records, sales orders and transaction histories. This is in addition to applications and programs critical to daily business functions and customer service.
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Can You Really Afford Not to Have a Backup Plan?

thumb-5According to Symantec SMB, 50% of SMBs admit to having no backup and disaster recovery plan in place. 41% of those surveyed confessed that they had never even given much thought to implementing a disaster recovery or business continuity plan. If you are one of them, then you really need to think about whether you can afford the status quo. Answering these questions will help you decide.
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What’s New with Windows Server 2016?

On Sept. 26, Windows Server 2016 was launched. This new system has some updated features, like improved security and container support. The preview version also debuted new networking tools.

However, if you are in a position where you are working what seems like an endless sea of tickets and you haven’t had a chance to try the betas and previews, here is a chance to get a good rundown of the new features. These features set Windows Server 2016 apart from its previous version so that you can be more productive with better security.

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Tips to identify and prevent phishing or spoofing emails (2 min read)

First of all, phishing and spoofing are similar forms of attacks, but not the same. What is the difference between phishing and spoofing emails?

Phishing is a type of social engineering technique that attempts to acquire sensitive information such as passwords, credit cards, social security numbers, etc. Phishing poses as a trustworthy person, so when you get the email it seems like its coming from someone you know. Phishing attacks can be started with a spoofing email. An example of phishing is getting an email from American Express asking you to reset your password, the email may come from what it seems a valid email address, but if look closely, there may be some misspelled words, once you click on the link it takes you a website that looks like American Express but is not, you enter your username and password, and the attackers gain access to your bank account.

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Technology improvement tips to move your business forward (3 min read)

Technology plays a huge role in any organization, no matter how small or large it is. One of the biggest challenges in an organization when it comes to their network, is trying to understand how it is laid out. Having a visual map of the network is a huge help as this will help you in understanding where your bottle necks are and possible points of failure. 

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Office 365 Planner (1 Minute Read)

Does your organization struggle to keep track of small projects or plans? With the new Office 365 Planner you can now organize teamwork better than ever and get more done. It just got a lot easier to create new plans, organize, collaborate, create and assign tasks, share files, take notes, and track the overall progress of each plan within your organization.

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Microsoft will stop supporting Internet Explorer!

160106112748-microsoft-not-supporting-ie-780x439Many people are not aware of the fact that windows products have a lifecycle. Just like all products and everything in life there is a birth or in products there are releases and there are ends.

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