
Microsoft will stop supporting Internet Explorer!

Microsoft will stop supporting Internet Explorer!

160106112748-microsoft-not-supporting-ie-780x439Many people are not aware of the fact that windows products have a lifecycle. Just like all products and everything in life there is a birth or in products there are releases and there are ends.

After January 12th, 2016 Microsoft will stop providing updates or technical support for old versions of Internet Explorer. However Microsoft explained that only the most current version of Internet Explorer will be supported, this version is Explorer 11. Operating systems; Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 are the ones that will provide security updates, fixes and technical support.

Make sure that regular security updates are made so that all data and passwords are saved but most importantly that NO malware or viruses find their way to your computer.

If you have any questions about how updating whether it is operating systems or browsers, don’t be afraid to ask TheCompuLab is happy to help.   
