
What Is Digital Transformation?

digital transformation

What Is Digital Transformation?

When executives think about digital transformation, they typically imagine that it means “going paperless” or building some sort of dashboard to monitor existing operations.

But that more basic idea is actually only digitization, which involves shifting from analog to digital. Digital transformation, on the other hand, goes well beyond this idea. It involves leveraging the existing technology and building operations on top of it, instead of squeezing innovations into the current business model. 

Digital transformation affects every part of the customer’s experience. Transforming your company means that interacting with your enterprise should feel fundamentally different. 

Why Are Modern Businesses Transforming?

Businesses today find that the needs of customers are constantly changing. This means that the tools employees require to meet customers’ emerging needs has to be able to adapt as well. A 2017 survey found that 85% of business executives believe that digital advancement is important to succeed. 

One customer-service shift might be to modernize all your client touch points from the ground up. So instead of calling you up to arrange appointments, customers might schedule services though an app instead. Similarly, operational transformations might involve developing new systems built on smart cloud-based analytics.

How to Digitally Transform Your Company

Digitally transforming your business can be a big undertaking. It requires significant organizational changes across all levels of leadership. Here we list several specific strategies:

Update Your Privacy Policies 

When you start using customer data digitally, you’ll need to update your privacy policies to stay compliant with data protection laws. For instance, if you want to collect customer data on location, then you’ll need to include permission in your app. 

Work with a Capable IT Company

Many firms that embark on full-scale digital transformation work alongside a qualified IT company. Consider whether a co-managed IT service might be a good fit for your company’s transformation needs. IT professionals can help with strategy, provide technical assistance, and complex integrations. An experienced IT provider will know how to recommend and implement changes specific to your business goals.

Strategize for the Future

Digital transformation isn’t a one-shot event. Instead, it is something that continually evolves as the capabilities of the underlying technologies improve. Thus, you’ll want to think about how your company will use technology in the future so you can begin planning the necessary changes you need to make now. 

The Benefits of Digitally Transforming Your Company

Digital transformation is a big job, and it’s a bold move for a company. Here are a few of the reasons to consider this shift:

  • Stay ahead of the competition by having the modern technology required to keep up
  • Demonstrate your customer-first focus by taking advantage of the human-centered design
  • Evolve to meet the emerging demands of today’s, and tomorrow’s, customers
  • Empower your employees with the technology they need to work and serve customers more effectively
  • Take advantage of new technologies ahead of your competitors, including machine learning, software analytics, and digital platforms

Working with a qualified South Florida IT company can help your business stay competitive. An IT provider can help make your digital transformation smooth and maximize the benefits for your company.
