
Have A Spooktacular Halloween

Have A Spooktacular Halloween

halloween_cats_bats-wideWhen planning days or festivities dedicate to kids, parents suffer high levels of stress because they want to make this day very fun for their child, at the same time they want to make it safe.We will provide a couple of useful tips to give a worried parent peace of mind.


Halloween-for-Kids-006Halloween is an important and awaited celebration for kids, therefor parents must be aware of all the dangerous things that can happen, because kids are exposed too any kind of risk. Here are some tips that will make this day very enjoyable even for a worried parent.




Spooktacular Halloween safety tips:

  • Getting to know the area where your kids will be trick or treating, is maybe the most important tip of all, there are many sexual predators out there. Logging on to a sex offender site and getting the information about them can help keep your child safe. Make sure they stay away from them.
  • Plan a route with your kids; make sure they stick to the plan. If there are any changes your child should get in contact with you, whether it’s a telephone call or stopping back at home.
  • Set a time that your kids should be at home, this will teach your kids how important is be at home on time or call if something happens and they are going to be late.
  • Be sure that your kids always look both ways before crossing the street and should only cross at crosswalks.
  • Explain to you kids that Halloween is not a day to make acts of vandalism; they need to know the other side of the coin and how those acts can ruin the Halloween for everyone.
  • Teach your kids that Halloween is not a festivity to hurt animals, like some sick people think. Explain to them that animal cruelty of any kind is not only morally wrong but punishable by law and will not be accept.
  • Give to your child a filling meal before trick or treating to avoid temptation to eat any candy before they get home and you can’t check.
  • The safest way to know the whereabouts of your children is to accompany them, if there is a reason why you can’t go make sure that the adult responsible for them is, another family member or close friend.


